On the Absence of "A Game for Good Muslims"
We’re fully aware that if you’re reading this, you’re smarter than the average internet-er (so thank you). We also know that those who need to read this never will unless they stumble across it looking for porn, cat videos, or cat porn videos. Otherwise you will have to share it with them. That being said, let’s clear something up:
"Why isn’t there A Game for Good Muslims?”
We’ve seen this question posted in the comments section of various websites who have mentioned our game, and it has been asked on our Facebook page. Our answer is pretty simple: We assume that game doesn’t exist because a group, pair, or an individual Muslim person(s) hasn’t created it yet.
Our question in reply is why do some people keep— directly and rhetorically— asking us about it?
We made A Game for Good Christians for the many reasons that we’ve expressed in interviews and on podcasts, here on our website, and all over social media, so we’re not going to rehash that all here. In a nutshell our comments on cards are based on investment in the content. If we ridicule, it’s from the inside the religion. We are not attacking Christianity or the Bible: we are working out our faith with fear and trembling, but also satire and snark.
We wouldn’t create a game for a faith we are not adherent to.
Stated a different way:
We are Christians: We made a game based on the text we hold near and dear to our hearts.
We are not Muslims: While we respect Muslims and the Qu’ran, we do not have the level of familiarity with the faith or the text to make such a game, nor would we. Why? Because we aren’t Muslim (see how that works?).
The Real Issue
Now this question, wrapped in a chide, masked as a critique, has one of two roots:
(1) Pissed off "christian" conservatives who feel we are attacking everything dear to them, wanting us to spread the assumed religious ire around, and
(2) Assholes who think we are attacking conservatives and wants someone to piss off Muslims as well.
These require two very different responses.
Group number one: take a breath. We’re all in the same household of faith. Read the links offered above to see what we’re about. Contact us directly with questions. Come: let us greet one another with a holy kiss, so we may reason together, and maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and allow iron to sharpen iron, heart answering heart, like water answers the face of a man, in one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Amen and amen. World without end.
Group number two: die. Please. Or stop being so shitty. Either one. We leave the choice up to you.
If we ever convert to Islam we will create that game after years of faithful study and wrestling with our new-found faith, until then you’re stuck with the game you’ve got.
And we do know, because we made this game, even if you think we’re going to Hell.