This post illustrates an example where where humor & confusion result from differing translations. And discusses whether priests can bang corpses.
"The Bible is Very Clear on Right and Wrong": An Open Letter to People Offended by 'The Trump Cards' Donations
"The Church universal does not feel one way about abortion or legal proceedings within the United States. Individual denominations, and individual people within those denominations, will make up their own minds in regards to these things. And miraculously, divinely, they remain within the Love of Christ."
How we respond to the word "misogyny" in regards to our game (hint: not well)
God Smearing Shit on your Face (Malachi 2:3)-- An Introduction to our Theology of Swearing
Joy Coming in the Morning (Psalm 30:5)
Avoiding Biblical Offense: An Open Letter to Christians who play CAH, but have a problem with AGFGC
" can laugh at “The Virginia Tech Massacre,” but “Babies with their brains dashed against stones” (Psalm 137) is problematic?..."