
“Although Surprising to Most, the Kingdom of Heaven is really like___________”

“Although Surprising to Most, the Kingdom of Heaven is really like___________”

 . . . one year we’ll defend our belief in an incarnation timed for Sukkoth as there is no way Jesus was born in December, and we’ll write the Card Talk about how the wise men did not show up until He was three years old. Eventually we’ll even address the fact that the little drummer boy was actually a drunk Roman solider looking for his estranged wife (okay, we just made that last one up) . . .

"For Lent I Am Giving Up_______________." [A Card Talk for Lent]

"For Lent I Am Giving Up_______________." [A Card Talk for Lent]

We take up or give up, lift or put down, for specific purposes, but whichever we choose, the important thing is remembering that Lent is not about self-improvement—it is not New Year’s take two, a time to re-up on failed resolutions . . .

The Day I Realized John Was Faster than Peter or The Day the Bible Became Real to Me [A Guest Card Talk]

The Day I Realized John Was Faster than Peter or The Day the Bible Became Real to Me [A Guest Card Talk]

These people that I read about and had put on a pedestal were no better than me. They sucked just as much as I do. But God still used them and told us their stories. That gave me hope.