
God holding your enemies’ heads under the water until the bubbles stop. (Exodus 15:1-12; 19)

God holding your enemies’ heads under the water until the bubbles stop. (Exodus 15:1-12; 19)

At the heart of theologies that liberate is the belief that there is nothing inherently good about suffering. Suffering is not redemptive, salvation is. So we must eschew shitty soteriologies that place suffering at the center of Christ’s work.

The wise men, three years late for the nativity (Matthew 2:8-11) [An Epiphany Card Talk]

The wise men, three years late for the nativity (Matthew 2:8-11) [An Epiphany Card Talk]

Beyond the fact that the magi never met the baby Jesus, the true gift of the magi is the epiphany, the revelation, Christ wants us to apprehend: that to be seen standing (or kneeling) for something often means we will suffer.

The Spirit moving you to dance semi naked through the streets (2 Samuel 6:14-20)

The Spirit moving you to dance semi naked through the streets (2 Samuel 6:14-20)

Sometimes kings want to dance in the streets with their scepters hanging out. Sometimes you want to mourn the death of children through social media. We do not have to shit on other people’s joy or pain while processing our own legitimate emotions. There is room for both.